It’s a very interesting place that a lot of people are really curious about. Given its unique properties and rich history, the Dead Sea is one of the most visited places in the world. It does not matter how difficult it is to reach the area, still a lot of people travel the distance just to see its majestic beauty and have some adventurous travels. Here are some more reasons why tourists are attracted to the Dead Sea.
It is one of the saltiest bodies of water
Given its salinity of 33.7%, this place is among the bodies of water with the highest salt content in the entire world. Although there are other places that are reported to have higher salinities, nothing compares with the popularity of the Dead Sea. It contains almost 9 times more salt than typically found in the oceans, hence floating in the Dead Sea is a really popular activity
No animals can flourish
In case you are interested in what a body of water without any animals in it would look like, visit the Dead Sea. Due to the really harsh environment, animals can’t flourish. The saline content stops the marine organisms from surviving. Recent studies though have shown that microscopic organisms like bacteria and fungi can survive.
It is a health research centre
Given the unique qualities of the Dead Sea, it is considered a perfect place for doing health related research. Other qualities that make it even more interesting are the mineral content, low pollen content, reduced ultraviolet components and higher atmospheric pressure. All of them have specific health benefits that are continuously being explored. Several published studies have revealed that around 80% to 90% of the patients visiting the Dead Sea have displayed significant improvement in their skin condition.
The place is really rich in history
The Dead Sea was said to be King David’s refuge. It was also named as one of the world’s earliest health resorts. Various products were obtained from this place. Even Cleopatra was said to have seen the benefits of the mud in the area and started using it as a beauty product. True enough, the mud in the Dead Sea is really perfect for the skin and it has been turned into a component of cosmetics; Ahava being the most popular cosmetics factory located in Israel. There is also a tour of the factory that you might want to try.
You can enjoy the Dead Sea in many ways and there are also a lot of stunning sites around the area for you to visit. Start planning your trip now and you will understand just why people are totally fascinated by the Dead Sea.