Travelling to the Amazon rainforest, the most famous jungle is definitely a remarkable experience that can best be enjoyed through an Amazon River cruise. It is home to over 10,000 species and that number is not even definite as scientists are constantly discovering new species.
The Amazon rainforest is a symbol of biodiversity. If you were uncertain whether or not you should go and explore the wild nature, we would definitely advise you to go there at least once in your lifetime.
As this fierce river is dominating through the entire area, the best way to learn about it is with a river cruise. After all, how will you get to know the power of this place if you’re not being on a river that pumps the life into this jungle?
Luckily, there are plenty of companies that can take you on a cruise and provide you with an entire Aqua Amazon River experience, where you will meet the locals, see some of the most fascinating animals and plants in the world and learn how to survive in this place.
Safety Instructions
Most of the boats you will see offering a cruise to this popular destination will have first aid and trained staff on board. Before your cruise start, you will be informed of all the safety instructions. Make sure you’re listening to it carefully as it will become quite handy if you end up in a situation where such a piece of advice would be extremely valuable.
Of course, if some things are unclear to you, can always talk to your boat crew and your guide about jungle-related topics. These people live and work in this region the bigger part of their life so you will feel very safe with them. That’s why it’s vital that you listen to everything they can and take all precaution measures to ensure your own safety and of those who are with you on that boat cruise.
What to Bring?
This is probably the first thing that will cross your mind once you book your cruise on the Amazon River. As the majority of people never actually visited a jungle in their life, it’s completely normal to be confused about what to bring. Even if you visited a jungle or been to the wild nature before, the Amazon is an experience by itself. It’s hard to be fully prepared for something like this!
However, you can avoid making a mistake that many people make. As we all know that Amazon has a tropical climate, people bring shorts and shirts with short sleeves because they think they will be hot. Due to mosquitos and other insects, not to mention all of these sharp and poisonous plants, it’s best if you cover as much as your body you can.
When all of these is combined with a strong, tropical sun, you can also risk getting sunburns there. Bring a hat or a cap and a light raincoat as you will definitely need it. The rain can be very merciless in the Amazon but a raincoat might help you not get wet while exploring around.
Also, bring a pair of good shoes that cover your ankles. Most of the things you could need for your own protection will be provided to you on the boat so you should only bring essential things with you. These are some of the things you can count to have on your river cruise:
- First aid supplies and trained professionals
- Satellite phone for emergency calls
- Life vests
- Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers
- Lifeboats
- Emergency flares and signals
Information about Health
Some passengers will maybe suffer from illnesses caused by this giant change of the environment or being on a boat. Luckily, these situations can easily be prevented if you take your medications before your trip. Actually, one of the first things you should do when going to Amazon is to consult your physician who can tell you what precaution you need to take or what medications will be necessary to make your cruise more pleasant.
When talking about medical issues that could happen to you while in the Amazon rainforest, we have to mention motion sickness. It doesn’t happen that much as these boats are not fast, however, if you have suffered from motion sickness before, bring medications with you just in case you need it. For those who will go to this jungle, it’s advised to take malaria pills and be vaccinated for yellow fever.
Final Thoughts
You are in for quite an experience if you book your river cruise in the amazing Amazon. However, don’t neglect the safety instructions we’ve just mentioned and also make sure you talk about all your concerns with your guide and tour operator. It’s your responsibility to take care of yourself if you want to truly enjoy it!
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