Cigars are an extremely pleasurable form of smoking one can have and is a unique experience in itself. When smoking a cigar, one has to understand that it is unlike any kind of tobacco product in the market due to which, the way it is consumed also differs. Cigars are much stronger than your average cigarettes due to which it is not recommended to smoke an entire cigar at one time. Cigars have a very high content of nicotine, due to which smoking them in a small portion is what people recommend. Since the nicotine content is very high, it can also cause nicotine poisoning, which can be harmful to you. However, this should not be a reason for you not to try or smoke it. It is, in fact, one of the favorite tobacco products of people across the globe. If you want to cut down on the nicotine content but still want to enjoy a cigar, the best way is to use a flag. The flag is what a cigarette filter is.
Every cigarette has a filter on its tip, which comes in contact with the mouth while on inhales the smoke. The filter helps to filter the smoke and stop much harmful content and extra nicotine from going into your body. However, when it comes to cigars, there is no such option for the user. Since cigars are made out of rolled tobacco leaves, there is no option of adding a filter. People who smoke a cigar, inhale as much nicotine are in a pack of cigarettes. Using a Flag or a filter tip, as it can be called, allows a user to filter the extra nicotine content from the smoke, which makes a cigar much safer for use. A large cigar can give times the nicotine content when compared to a cigarette; therefore, using a filter to smoke it would seem to be a very wise choice. These filters are easily available in the market and online website, and there are various types of filters available. Different types of filters can filter the smoke as per your requirement and preference from fine to medium.
Try using the filter tip with a cigar like backwoods cigars, and you will enjoy the unique experience it will provide. Filter tips or flags can be found made of different components. It is mostly found made of wood, as it is more durable and can be easily carried. There are also different types of wooden filters that are infused with different aromas and flavor. Since wood can easily absorb or infuse the aromas, flavored tips are used to give a normal cigar a different kind of taste. These are great for people who are looking for a unique taste from their regular cigar. One thing that most people do wrong with the filters is to reuse it again and again. One thing that a person should understand is that a filter tip only has a limited capacity to filter the smoke. Using it more than its capacity will finally make it unusable. Therefore, one should only go for a new filter tip every time they smoke a new cigar. It would make sure that the usage of the tips is properly done.