“Will someone ever love me for me?”
I’m pretty sure many, if not all, of us have pondered upon this question one way or another. We’ve probably questioned our self-worth a number of times too. Maybe, we even tried to enumerate all the qualities we have that make us somewhat loveable. I’m pretty sure you’ve done this yourself – especially during times when you questioned the very love you feel for yourself.
I get it. It’s hard to believe that true love exists. But the reason why we find it so hard to admit it is true is not because it is non-existent. It’s because we try to fool ourselves that it is for it is only when we think true love is not real that our heart rests easy. Check this video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCUbiykxeyE.
“If it is real, then why haven’t I experienced it? If it is real, then why is it that nobody has come to make me feel that way? If it is real, then am I the only one who is unworthy of receiving it?”
When we recognize the existence of true love, we begin to feel pressured. We begin to think that the whole world is against us and that’s why it is being unfair. You might even start feeling cursed like someone out there is praying that you never find happiness.
But you see, love is not something you rush. It is kind; it is patient and just. It is not bound by a time frame and it is most certainly not made to follow rules. Love flourishes in its own time, in its own ways. And the reason why it hasn’t come knocking to your door yet is because your time has yet to come. Maybe it doesn’t think you’re mature enough to handle the real world problems that come with feeling affection towards someone. Either that or you may be knocking in the wrong door.
Small talk aside, love does not necessarily happen between man and woman. Sometimes, it can be between man and man, woman and woman, or man and transgender. As I said a while ago, love works in its own ways and time. You cannot dictate how your love story will unfold. Although you are the author and the hero, you can’t decide who the heroine becomes. Love is just that playful – and that’s what makes it so exciting.
So I ask you: Have you ever tried considering your options?
Aside from dating biological women, you may want to expand the love market by getting to know ladyboys. Who knows? The love you might be searching for may be within your reach after all. You were just reaching out to the wrong tree. It’s not too late to change things though. But remember, not everyone is born to date a ladyboy. You should at least have the following qualities to “qualify” as a ladyboy suitor:
Openness To New Experiences
If you’re the type person who’s genuinely open to experiencing new things, then maybe you can give trans dating a shot. You see, if you judge something way before actually experiencing it first-hand, you’re robbing yourself of the opportunity to learn more about the world (read more). And all too often, this will become of the things you’ll heavily regret later on in life. As the old folks like to say “Experience the world while you’re young and able” because true enough, you can never take back time that has already passed. You might end up alone and lonely because you were too afraid to take chances in life.
I say go forth and bask in everything the world has to offer – no matter how big or small, normal or peculiar. At the end of the day, we only regret the things we didn’t do. So why not take a chance? What’s there to lose anyway?
Genuine Heart
Aside from having an open mind and being “game” all the time, it also takes a genuine heart to truly love someone for who they are – transgender and all. Trans people are often plagued with their own lack of confidence. I guess you can’t blame for being too hard on themselves because it wasn’t too long ago when the rest of the world is too. They were made to believe that they were different (in a bad way) and unworthy of people’s sincerity. Now, even if the world has become more accepting, many of them still can’t get over their personal insecurities and trauma. Only a true heart with the purest motives can help them regain self-love.
If you are a man of courage, then this will not discourage you in any way. If anything, this will help you pursue love even more fervently.
Strong Conviction & Determination
Resolve is everything in the game of love. The path will not be easy; it will not be a walk in the park. However, if you truly want to meet your destiny, you have to be powerful enough to push through your wavering resolve and continue on the path you have chosen for yourself. If it’s love you truly seek, it is love you’ll find.
If you still want to date a transwoman after all that has been said and you think you really have what it takes to give them happiness, then by all means, start exploring dating apps and free tranny sites for transgenders today. The world needs more people like you – people who can love without conditions, limits, and boundaries.
Being in a relationship with a transsexual is definitely going to be a rocky journey but if what you have with your partner is real, you will enjoy every bit of that journey – no matter how hard. As long as you put your faith in each other and believe in what your relationship can do for each other, then the odds will surely sway in your favour. If not now, I’m confident that it eventually will. Just trust the process. You can do anything as long as you have love on your side.