If you’re currently in the process of learning as much as you can about Boston Terriers and how to care for them, simply continue reading. In order to learn a few Boston Terrier basics which will help you become a responsible Boston Terrier owner.
Boston Terrier Basics:
Don’t leave your Boston Terrier alone for extended periods of time:
Unlike some dog breeds who don’t mind spending time alone, Boston Terriers prefer to spend as much time as possible with their owners. So if you don’t work from home, make sure to spend adequate time with your Boston Terrier before you go to work and when you get home from work. As an example, you may want to go for an early morning walk together and to curl up on your bed while you read a book in the evening.
You may even want to consider purchasing a doggy camera and microphone which will allow you to speak to your dog and see your dog when you’re away from home. Which should prevent your dog from becoming too lonely while you’re gone.
Don’t be concerned if your Boston Terrier is suprisingly quiet:
If you’ve never owned a Boston Terrier before you may be initially worried that your Boston Terrier isn’t vocal and hardly barks. However, as a breed Boston Terriers are quiet and rarely bark. So there’s nothing to be worried about if your Boston Terrier doesn’t bark when someone turns up at your front door or when they meet other dogs at your local dog park.
Start training your Boston Terrier as soon as possible:
As Boston Terriers are intelligent and quickly learn new commands, behaviors and techniques, it’s a smart idea to start training your Boston Terrier as soon as possible. As they’ll quickly learn new commands. Especially as Boston Terriers are easy to please and aren’t as defiant as many other dog breeds which have a stubborn, rebellious streak.
Stick to short walks:
While you may be tempted to take your Boston Terrier for lengthy walks, they only require short walks on flat surfaces as they easily become tired. However, if you want to ensure that your Boston Terrier remains active, play short active games such as tag and tug of war with your dog throughout each day. As Boston Terriers enjoy short spurts of activity over endurance activities such as long hikes.
Use a harness instead of a traditional lead and collar:
To avoid pulling on your dog’s neck, it’s a wise idea to purchase a harness to take your dog for walks. As traditional dog collars can be inhumane and can cause unnecessary avoidable injuries. Just be sure to choose a dog harness which is the correct size for your Boston Terrier, to ensure a comfortable fit.
In conclusion, if you’ve been searching for as much information on raising a happy, healthy Boston Terrier as possible, make sure to use all of the advice listed above to your advantage. Especially if you’re looking to purchase your very first Boston Terrier.