You can’t take the party out of traveling. How can you claim to have toured a city if you haven’t even lived it up and experienced the night life with the locals? However, there is nothing worse than boarding that flight home or to your next destination (if you’re lucky) the very next day, while you’re still experiencing the dreaded hangover. The kind of nagging hangover that just won’t leave you alone.
We all know drinking the night before an early flight is not a great idea. But often, an early flight saves you money and why wouldn’t you go for that. So, if you find yourself cramming a night out with friends and having an early flight the next day, you’re going to be hungover for sure with nothing else to do but waiting in the cabin for hours until the plane lands.
However, there are a few things you can do to manage your travel hangover better. Let’s go through some of them.
1. Hydrate yourself, a lot!
Try to drink at least one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consumed the night before, to wash out all the alcohol as soon as possible. Drink a lot of water before you leave, and even on the flight. When you’re ending the night, it’s best you order tonic water or club soda with lime. This will minimize your on flight hangover.
2. Make a hangover kit
You might not have access to drug stores or make time to visit one when you’re caught up between the rough hangover and the early flight you need to catch. So, make sure you pack enough of your preferred painkillers and antacids for pain relief. Also pack wet wipes, pedialyte packets in case you can’t find yourself a Gatorade, sunglasses and breath mints to have all you need to wait out that storm of a hangover.
3. Book an aisle seat
If you’ve had a wild night of partying and have to fly back home the next morning, then this small tip will be really helpful. You need to have an escape route when the need presents itself. The rough morning may be met with some unprecedented upsurge of bile and whatever else you’d been having. An aisle seat will ensure a quick run to the bathroom without any further delay in case of an emergency because making your way to the aisle from the corner is the last thing you would want to do if you’re going to throw up. One must always be prepared.
4. Get comfortable
Comfort is the key to tackling a bad hangover. So, grab those sweatpants and a loose upper to give yourself the household comfort you need in this dire time of need. A hooded jacket that you can snuggle into and flip flops that you can easily jerk off will make you feel better. Bump your seat up to first class if that’s feasible to you, so you can lie down. If you’re in economy class, just try to get as close to the bulk head as possible because there’s ample room there.