There are many different ways to consume cannabidiol. The increase in its popularity has made way to a variety of different methods of consumption including oils, candy, syrups, other edibles, topical creams, and cigarettes.
It is believed that smoking or vaping cannabidiol is the most effective means to experience all that CBD has to offer. Many recommended reading on the topic states that the inhalation of the compound delivers its active ingredients much faster into the body.
Regardless of its effective properties, there are still a few who aren’t quite sure of everything CBD cigarettes have to offer. After researching the topic, we’ve compiled a list of facts depicting the real truth behind this wonder product.
1. The Absorption into the Body is Rapid
When you smoke or vape CBD, the compounds are inhaled and sent directly into the lungs. This means that it is much more rapidly absorbed into the blood circulation of the body. Making the user experience the effects much faster than with other methods of consumption.
Studies have shown that it only takes 3 minutes after smoking for the compounds to reach its peak performance.
2. It Relieves Back Pain
One of the main benefits that all non-toxic CBD products have, is that it is specifically designed to relieve mild to acute pain. Many users have testified of its relieving effects on serious back pain. Other pains that the compound can also relieve is pain within joints from arthritis, muscle pain, and even headaches.
Read this to learn more about how CBD oil and cigarettes can help relieve back pain.
3. It Doesn’t Get You High
Cannabidiol can sometimes be mistaken for weed or cannabis that has psychedelic effects. This effect gives you the feeling of weightlessness or being high.
All cannabidiol products have been designed to eliminate the THC compound. THC is the ingredient that makes the user feel drugged. Weed with high THC levels are still illegal in many countries.
Even though cigarettes are commonly associated with getting high and socializing. Cannabidiol cigarettes are designed to eliminate the THC in order for the user to experience the benefits of it, without feeling high.
4. It Lasts Longer in the Bloodstream
Many studies have proved that when you smoke CBD cigarettes it can still be detected in the bloodstream for up to 72 hours. Compared to edibles and oils that only lasts up to 6 hours in the body after digestion. Even though all forms of digesting have similar benefits, cigarettes are more long lasting.
Learn more about the benefits of CBD oil here:
5. Smoking isn’t Everyone’s Preferred Method of Consumption
For those who aren’t smokers, it can be quite difficult to get used to inhaling cigarette smoke. Some non-smokers struggle to get use to the taste and smell of this method.
Luckily there are alternative methods, in which you can vape instead of lighting a joint-like product. The inhalation of the compound has longer lasting effects than other methods of digesting.
6. Concerns About Safety
Many people are concerned about the safety of smoking cannabidiol. Since smoking cigarettes are said to be harmful to health. Even though there should be much more research on this concern, it has been tested that smoking or vaping cannabidiols won’t cause any long-lasting medical conditions. It will also not cause any intoxicating aftereffects.
It is important to note that when you smoke regularly and products that contain high CBD strains, that you might experience some forms of respiratory issues. Using a vaporizer can decrease the risk of experiencing symptoms.
7. Accommodating Forms of Smoking
Like previously stated, if you struggle to smoke dried cannabidiol leaves as a cigarette. You can actually consume it in many different ways. Which include smoking through a vape pen, a fancy pipe, a joint as big as you want to roll it, or ready-rolled cigarettes.
This gives you the option of smoking a little, putting it out and continuing later. No need to smoke it all in one go.
It is clear that the means of consumption plays a key role in the time it will take to experience the benefits of CBD. Smoking is definitely one of the fastest ways to achieve all the benefits.