Studies show that growing plants at home and having exposure to gardening improves one’s quality of life and enhances mental and physical well-being. Whether you’re a starting green thumb or have already grown a garden sprawling with gorgeous greens and beautiful flowers, here are some easy-to-grow plants that you can add to your home:
This flowering plant is loved by many as it signifies that spring is indeed coming – with its buds peeking through the snow after a seemingly long winter.
This early bloomer is a low-lying perennial plant that can be grown practically anywhere, from the woodlands, coastal areas, and to your garden. Many known varieties of the crocus plant are usually described as blooms that range from white, yellow, lilac-blue, and violet.
Its flowers, aside from being perfect to gather in bouquets for its aesthetic blooms, one variety is known as the source of saffron, which is used primarily for seasoning but can also be used for dyes and medicine.
Plant care: Crocuses are advised to be planted in early fall and stay dormant in the soil until the last days of winter and finally sprout in the early days of spring. They also love soaking in full sunlight and thrive best in well-draining soil. For watering, they are generally low-maintenance. To know more about taking care of your crocus, find instructions here.
Unlike your typical flowering plants, the hosta attracts green thumbs and plant collectors alike as it is known for its striking green foliage with distinct leaf shapes and patterns. It is also referred to as “plantain lily,” with its fleshy roots and short rhizomes.
A favorite among perennials, hostas often sport luscious leaves in bright green, gold, or even blue colors. Some kinds of bloom flowers of their own and blooms may serve as part of a beautiful ornamental display. Some flowers have been known to be fragrant and attract bees, thus making them easier to pollinate.
Plant care: Hostas can thrive even under partially shaded areas but would love to benefit from being exposed to direct sun 2-3 hours a day. They can also survive in different and wide ranges of soil, but it is best to plant them in highly organic and well-drained soil.
A name that might be familiar even to plant newbies, geranium is a sun-loving plant that would bring a splash of color to your flower beds from the late stages of spring up to early fall. Geranium still makes it to the list of most popular plants up to this date, thanks to its classical roots being chosen for decades to adorn planter boxes and indoor pots of homes.
Its flowers vary from purple, pink, red, white, mauve, orange, and in rare times – orange-black. Geraniums are also known to be trailers, meaning if left to their device and allowed to grow anywhere it wants; it can just take over a whole wall or any other surface.
Plant care: Geraniums may be grown as indoor houseplants or planted outside on a flower bed. They may also be planted in pots with a drainage hole and contain well-drained soil. To get its bloom to its maximum potential, it would be best to expose them to an area wherein it can soak up to 4-6 hours of sunlight.
Sweet pea
Known for its stunningly colorful blooms and luscious sweet scent, the sweet pea is an addition that you can’t miss in your home plant collection. With flowers ranging from maroon, violet, indigo blue, white, pink, and red, it is an excellent choice to adorn your patio or even indoor pots as they grow typically as a bush or climbing types.
Plant Care: Sweet peas thrive well in warm, sunny, and slightly-shaded areas, making it a great indoor plant, as long as it is kept somewhere with a window or on the balcony or patio area. They grow well in well-drained organic soil and would need regular watering, especially during the dry season. Fertilizer and compost also can significantly help in its growth.
Although it might seem a little bit out-of-place in this list, mint is highly recommended for aspiring or already practicing green thumbs as it is reasonably easy to grow and serves many uses and benefits.
Mint plants are usually grown for their leaves, with known varieties such as spearmint and peppermint. Being a perennial plant, its leaves are very fragrant and can even bloom tiny flowers with colors white, purple or pink. Aside from its functionality of being useful in cooking, mint plants can also add accent to your garden, among other many purposes.
Plant care: Mint is relatively easy to grow as it can survive with just the right amount of moisture and the right kind of soil. Maintenance for a mint plant would only require an adequate amount of light, either under full sun or shade. Watch out for overgrowth, however, as it can quickly spread over your garden.
With just the right amount of tender, loving care, you can quickly grow these plants that are easy to take care of while also adding more beauty and life to your home garden. Alternatively, if you’re only after the visual appeal, opt for quality artificial plants in various shapes and green tones to add to your home.