2020 has been a bit of a stressful year so far. Thankfully, you can always escape from that stress by taking a fishing trip. If you’ve never fished before, now is a better time than any to get started!
Here are seven crucial fishing tips to help you get started.
1. Use Cheap Lures
The novice fisherman might think the more expensive the lure, the more likely you are to catch something. This isn’t always the cast, though.
By using expensive lures, you’re going to take fewer risks. You won’t want to risk losing the lure, so you might make fewer casts or avoid big catches. You can buy expensive lures, but you should always have an arsenal of cheap, disposable lures, as well.
2. Go Early or Late
The best times to fish are either early morning (before sunrise early) or in the later evening. The fish are closer to the surface at these times, and you’ll get way more bites. If you’re an impatient fisherman, this is the way to go.
You might also see more success on rainy days.
3. Fish the Right Spots
Not every area of the lake is equal. Fish like to hang out in certain spots more than others.
If you can find a point where two streams meet, fish there. Fish tend to gather in spots like this, meaning more bites. You might also try fishing in spots with crashing waves.
You should also avoid starting in deep water. Fish a moderately shallow lake until you get used to the sport. If you’re looking for fishing near me, click here.
4. Cast Like a Pro
Every fisherman needs a good casting technique. You need to be able to cast your line far and with precision.
It’s all in the flick of the wrist. Raise the rod up over your head and flick your wrist as the line pulls back. This ensures great casts every time.
The best way to figure this out is to fish with more experienced fishermen.
5. Use a Sharp Hook
You should always keep a few extra hooks in your tackle box. A rusty hook is no good and will end up losing you a lot of great fish.
Always inspect your hook before a fishing trip, and learn how to change your hook out.
6. Learn Your Knots
Many inexperienced fishers get into the sport without any knowledge of knots. Turns out, knots are pretty important when it comes to fishing. Some knots you may want to learn include:
- The Palomar knot
- The clinch knot
- The double surgeon’s knot
Your best bet is to look these up or get a good knot-tying book. There are also knot-tying courses!
7. Learn How to Detach a Fish
So, you’ve caught your first fish. Now what?
You’ll need to learn how to properly detach the fish from the hook before you get started. There are plenty of YouTube videos that walk you through this.
Follow These Fishing Tips and Become a Master
The seven fishing tips above will help you master the sport in no time. Of course, the only way to become a true master is to keep fishing and keep practicing. So get out on that lake and get to it!
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