Let’s see now! You take perfect care of your skin.
You moisturize religiously and stay out of the sun as much as you can.
You follow a careful exfoliating and toning regimen.
But, a few weeks after your 35th birthday, you might start to see signs of aging skin like fine lines and wrinkles.
Like this feature on MedlinePlus explains, aging causes the regeneration of your skin to slow down. Not only are you likely to develop more lines, age spots, and pigmentation, but the skin starts to become thinner and more fragile. That’s because the layer of collagen and elastin under the skin starts to weaken. You may also note that any wounds or injuries you have take longer to heal.
However, aside from aging, various other factors can result in skin blemishes and aging before time. Before you start to panic and buy loads of concealers and makeup, you may want to explore some unexpected causes of the aging skin. If you could resolve those issues, you might just be able to delay the signs for a good many years.
1. You Could be Experiencing Waning Hormone Levels
Most women are unaware that as they cross the age of 35, levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone start to decline quickly. These hormones are responsible for keeping your skin plump, elastic, and hydrated. Hormones also maintain the integrity of the collagen and elastin in the skin so it appears taut and smooth in texture. As the levels of hormones begin to wane around the age of 35, you might start to notice that your skin seems drier than usual or that it is taking on a pale, sallow look.
The expert skin consultants at the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Centre advise that it is possible to replenish the waning levels without the use of chemical or synthetic supplements. Opt for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that uses supplements derived from plants. Such medications have no side effects and once they start to take effect, you may notice that the texture of your aging skin is improving.
2. The Free Radicals in Your Body Could be Causing Skin Damage
As your body metabolizes the food you eat, free radicals are also formed as a by-product during the process. Most free radicals develop because of the chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, and food coloring in your meals. These agents can also enter your body with the polluted air you breathe and some of the chemical products you use in the house. Free radicals act like rust in the body and are instrumental in causing skin aging by damaging the collagen and elastin in your skin.
Check out this feature on U.S. News that talks about how you can prevent the effects of the free radicals on your skin by choosing more of organic foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are free of chemicals. Pick sources of protein that are grass-fed and free-range, and use healthier cooking oils that don’t contain Trans fats and saturated fats.
3. You May Need to Cut Back on Your Intake of Sugars
The effects of excess sugar on your body cells can cause the skin to display damage. The American Heart Association stresses that women should restrict their intake of sugar to 100 calories in a given day. That’s because sugar combines with the proteins and fats in your body by way of a process called glycation. The molecules of Advanced Glycation End products or AGEs also form when you speed up cooking by frying foods on a high flame.
Prevent the formation of AGEs in your food by cooking it on a slow heat and cut back on the sugar intake. You’ll also prevent the risk of diabetes that can also cause skin aging by slowing blood circulation in your body. Taking these simple precautions may help you prevent the speedy degeneration of your skin.
4. Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Intake Can Cause Skin Aging
The American Academy of Dermatology warns that if you smoke and drink excessively, you may need to be aware of the effects of nicotine and alcohol on your skin. Nicotine slows blood circulation by constricting the vessels and capillaries that nourish your body with fresh oxygen and nutrients. Without this regular supply, your skin in unable to repair and rejuvenate, and starts to appear dull and sallow. Alcohol, on the other hand, has a dehydrating effect on your body. And, dry skin quickly starts to show more of fine lines and wrinkles.
Give your skin the time and nutrients to regenerate by stopping smoking and lowering your intake of alcohol significantly. Not only will you notice overall better health, but your skin will thank you for it.
5. Stress and Anxiety Can Affect Your Skin
Long-term stress and anxiety result in your body releasing high levels of cortisol in the bloodstream. Research conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information clearly shows that cortisol could be one of the most potent agents that causes skin aging. Not only does it raise levels of blood sugar and slows circulation in the body, but it also alters your sleep patterns. And, getting adequate sleep is one of the key requirements for skin repair. Cortisol is also known to slow the production of Hyaluronic acid in the skin. This agent is highly essential for maintaining the hydration in your skin and making it look young and plumped up. Do keep in mind that no amount of external moisturizing can make up for the natural hydration of your body.
Work on lowering the stress levels by taking up any methods that work for you. For instance, try meditation, yoga, or light exercise. You could also try aromatherapy, tai chi, swimming, or simply, spending quality time with family and friends.
Your skin may be showing signs of damage from causes that are entirely unrelated to normal aging. While genetic factors may also dictate how your skin responds to the progression of years, many lifestyle changes can improve its condition and delay the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Try them and regain a younger look.