When you’re thinking about the world’s most popular beverages, what comes to mind? Is it beer? Water? Soda? Or, surprisingly, something else?
While each person has their own preference as to which type of beverage they think is the most widely consumed, certain ones top the list. What are they?
Keep reading below to find out!
1. Water
The most popular beverage in the world is water. This makes sense, considering that 60% of your body is made of water and without it, you wouldn’t be able to live!
However, since the launch of the water-bottle industry, drinking water has become easier and more convenient, putting water in first place on this list.
If you’re concerned about plastic bottles affecting the environment, there are plenty of reusable and eco-friendly water bottles on the market to keep you hydrated.
2. Tea
After water, you might be surprised to learn that tea is the next most popular drink. Tea is made by pouring hot or boiling water over leaves, steeping it for a certain amount of time, discarding the leaves, and drinking the tea itself.
Hot tea is perfect for cold days, and iced tea is refreshing in the hot months. Tea also offers a wealth of health benefits especially from green and black teas. Tea is most likely to be found in Asia, but people drink it all over the world.
Most teas you find at the grocery store are full of sugar and added ingredients. If you want great health benefits without all the sugar, try making some at home!
3. Coffee
Most adults cannot start the morning without coffee which means coffee is another widely popular drink. There are over 22,000 coffee chains in America itself, with the average person spending over $1,000 a year on coffee.
Coffee gives you a morning boost as well as some health benefits. You can buy coffee from your local coffee chain, or once you understand the difference between different types of roasts, make your own at home to save a lot of money!
4. Orange Juice
Are you shocked to see another breakfast beverage on the list? While there are many fruit juices available at your grocery store, orange juice is the most widely purchased.
This is because it contains loads of vitamin C to keep your immune system healthy and fight off viruses like colds and flu. Its taste perfectly accompanies your morning breakfast and there are several different varieties available.
Some people even make their own at home!
5. Beer
Beer is an ancient drink, but still incredibly popular today, even beating out wine as the most consumed alcoholic drink.
People enjoy drinking beer at celebrations, games, parties, and so forth, and even after a long hard day at work. Nearly every place in the world offers beers.
The Most Popular Beverages in the World
There you have it! The most popular beverages in the world and they’re here to stay. Which one is your favorite?
Do you want to learn more about beer and other beverages? We’re traveling the world to find the answers! Visit our page today to see what we’ve discovered.