There are different studies about alcohol usage, the pro’s and con’s of it, coming out every single day. Okay, not every day, sometimes it just feels like it. And all the studies seem to be contradicting each other. The latest sobering study came to the conclusion that alcohol usage should be limited to one drink per day.
That study found that people who drink more than seven drinks a week have lower life expectancy than those who drink less. According to the study, men who drink 14 drinks a week can expect to live two years less than men who drink maximum of seven drinks a week.
This latest research combines results from 83 studies from 19 different countries and involved around 600 000 people. “The study is a serious wake-up call for many countries,” Jeremy Pearson of the British Heart Foundation said.
However, this is just one of such studies. Some previous studies show different things. For example, beer can help you avoid dementia according to one study, which came to the conclusion that “Moderate and heavy drinkers had 2-fold higher odds of living to age 85 without cognitive impairment relative to non-drinkers.” So if you have asked someone three times in row if you can you play powerball online, you should start thinking that maybe you might need to consider drinking more. That’s sort of a joke, but there actually might be some truth to it.
And yet another study showed that men who drink “14 alcoholic beverages each week” had roughly 50% lower risk of developing diabetes.
So which study is actually correct, that’s pretty difficult to say. But one thing’s for sure, all of the aforementioned studies have some truth to them.