If you’re interested in investing into a travel credit card, there are many ways you can get better savings when you have one. A hotel credit card can be a great tool for you to use if you’re looking to save money on your traveling purchases, but not everyone knows how to use hotel credit cards in the most effective way possible. If you’re thinking about how to budget more effectively, here are four ways to use a hotel credit card while getting more out of it.
1. Put More of Your Daily Purchases on the Credit Card
The more you spend on a travel credit card, the better your benefits. That means if you’re able to put a significant amount of your daily purchases on your travel credit card, you’ll be more likely to earn enough points that you can get free nights. If you can, you may want to pay attention to what categories give you extra rewards points so you can get as many extra points as possible.
2. Make Sure You Can Achieve the Sign-On Bonus
Sign-on bonuses are extremely common with credit cards, but they typically require that you spend a certain dollar amount. The World of Hyatt credit card bonus, for example, gives you 30,000 extra points, but requires that you spend $3,000 within the first three months to access it. If you’re able to do that, you’ll get more benefits from your credit card than if you’re not sure whether you’ll be able to meet that requirement.
3. See If a Card With an Annual Fee Will Give You Better Benefits
It can be tempting to go with a card that has a $0 annual fee just because it seems like the $0 annual fee is lighter on your bank account. However, if you choose to upgrade to a card that has an affordable annual fee, you may be able to get a significantly better selection of rewards. Those extra benefits may be more than enough to offset the annual fee.
4. Utilize as Many of the General Bonuses as Possible
There are many general bonuses that often come along with a hotel credit card. You may get purchase protection, extra travel insurance, and more. However, these types of bonuses only come into play if you actually talk to the company and request coverage when you need it. Make sure you’re using your general bonuses if they’re applicable so you get the most out of your card.
A hotel credit card can be a great investment if you’re the type of person who really loves traveling. However, even if you love traveling, you still need to know how you can utilize your travel credit card in the best ways possible. The best way to get more out of your hotel credit cards is to make sure that you take these four tips into consideration, as they’re a great way to save even more on your general budget.