Golfing looks simpler than it actually is, and for this reason, beginners tend to make mistakes that hinder their performance. Such mistakes should be corrected as early as possible. Otherwise, it gets harder to shake off.
Beginner golfers know what it is like to feel like they’re swinging like a pro only to have the ball landing nowhere near the intended target. The most important thing to note is that the perfect golfing is not intuition. You have to learn the right techniques and practice if you want to swing like Jordin Spieth.
Learning all golfing concepts and working on your skill ensures you hack the game in no time. Consistency and patience will have you enjoying Algarve golf deals in no time.
Here are the five best tips to help beginners shake off their bad habits and improve their skill.
Always Hold the Golf Club in Your Fingers
Most beginner golfers tend to hold the club in their palm. When you position the golf club in your palm, swinging becomes hard. You might feel like you’re swinging right, but your ball’s landing tells a different story.
That is a natural instinct you need to unlearn if you want to be a pro at golf. Each time you hold the club, place its shaft on your leading hand’s pinky pad, then, follow this up by hooking your index finger onto the shaft.
Holding the club this way helps you increase club-head speed. To ensure you have this grip right, hold the golf club in front of you and support it with just the picky pad and your index finger. If it balances, you can fold all fingers around the shaft.
Keep Your Thumb Short
Another instinct is when you hold an object is you tend to extend your thumb. That will limit your swing as a golfer as well. Ensure that the knuckles at the base of your thumb are bent, each time you hold a golf club.
Shortening the thumb creates a braking mechanism that helps you balance your club. The long thumb will sabotage you when you attempt backswings. A short thumb will prevent your club from yielding to gravity.
Start with More Pressure on the Lead Foot
Yet another instinct for beginners is starting with more pressure on the tail foot. How you position the force of your body on your feet matters. In has to be in a way that allows you to power your shot for the highest head speed.
55-60% of the pressure should be on the lead foot to achieve an unweighting for precise backshots. Learning the right way to shift the weight of your body between your feet ensures you build enough momentum for each shot.
Pivot Your Body onto the Heel of Your Trail Foot Prevent Your hip from Sliding
You might have your golf club moving away from the ball as it should but mess up your shot by sliding your hip. Pivoting your body onto the heel of your trail foot ensures you get that perfect shot.
Once you master the backshot, you must also learn the takeaway technique. Sliding your hip away from the ball, compromises your form and your shot as well.
Work the Lead Arm into Your Chest
If your leading arm moves out and away from your body during the initial takeaway, you’re doing it wrong. You need to square the clubface to the ball, and this motion does not help you do that.
Instead, work your lead arm into your chest to maintain control of your golf club. That is not the most natural motions, but you need to work on the technique until it becomes second nature.
Wrap Up
As you can see, golfing is not as easy as it looks when you’re an onlooker. Paying attention to the tiniest of details is what makes you a pro.